60 Years | Rock Solid Paving Since 1965 | (734) 946-1880

25500 Brest Road
Taylor, MI 48180
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Fabric Membrane

als asphalt Fabric membrane asphalt pavementals asphalt al's asphaltals asphalt al's asphalt

Fabric membrane installation creates a moisture barrier in your asphalt pavement, thereby increasing the roads life and reducing reflective cracking. Key benefits of textile pavement interlayer systems are they Provide a waterproof barrier for subgrade foundation soil protection, creates a stress relieving membrane between the existing pavement and asphalt overlay, retards the propagation of existing cracks through a new overlay (reflective crack control) and extends the useful life of the overlay

© Copyright 2021 | Al’s Asphalt | 25500 Brest Road, Taylor MI 48180 | (734) 946-1880

** As of May, 2018. Ratings and reviews on third-party websites may periodically change, please check the third-party websites for up-to-date reviews and ratings. http://alsasphalt.com   Reviews: 4.7 out of 5, based on 30 reviews from Yellow Pages, Nearby Now, & Google

Welcome to Al’s Asphalt Paving Company. We are a full service Michigan asphalt paving contractor providing high quality asphalt paving services since 1965. Here at Al’s Asphalt we are dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction. As an asphalt paving company, we specialize in commercial, industrial, and municipal paving. We are a state licensed contractor, fully bonded and insured.
25500 Brest Road
United States